Wonderful experience working with them!! Valerie has been so informative, patient, kind, and such a pleasure! It’s great to feel confident and trustworthy with someone taking care of your child.
Approximately 85% of the population will develop some type of reaction to Poison Ivy, Oak or Sumac if exposed.
This is the most common allergy in the USA. While life threatening only if the Urushiol is swallowed or breathed in (when burned), severe cases should be taken seriously, and medical help sought as there can be serious consequences.
The rash does NOT spread by itching the affected area, but is spread by the oils in the plant so it’s super important to wash with soap and water ASAP after exposure to wash away the oils from the skin!
Dealing with the annoying, itchy rash from these poisonous plants relies on using supportive care methods at home to relieve symptoms and heal the skin.
After exposure, first wash the area thoroughly with soap and hot water, using a washcloth. Rinse and repeat at least 3x to ensure that all of the poison is gone. Make certain to wash all clothes, and anything else that came into contact with the plant, too.
Here are some remedies to help soothe:
Witch hazel applied to the affected area can soothe the itching.
Cover the rash with a paste made from cold coffee and baking soda. A paste made from water and cornstarch will also work.
Take a warm bath with oatmeal or Epsom salt. Use about one cup of oatmeal or two cups of Epsom salt in a full bathtub.
Make a paste from one tablespoon of turmeric with equal parts of lime or lemon juice and apply to the affected area.
Make a paste from one tablespoon of salt, 1/8 teaspoon of peppermint essential oil, 1 to 2 cups green clay, and a little water (just enough to give it a pasty texture). Apply liberally and leave in place for approximately 30 minutes. Rinse. Apply 2-3x daily.
Rub dishwashing liquid onto the skin area with a washcloth and allow it to dry. Reapply as needed.
Apply tea made from burdock root or peach tree leaves, or a cool, wet black or green tea bag. Allow it to dry on the skin, and reapply as often as desired.
3% hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and spray the affected areas and allow to air dry. Helps to treat symptoms as well as to dry the rash.
Follow our tips to help manage the rash at home and relieve symptoms.
Unsure what your itchy rash is from? Need guidance on how to treat it?
Give us a call with questions or to make an appointment! ☎️ 815-322-9300
390 Congress Pkwy # J
Crystal Lake, IL
814 Commerce Dr., Ste 150
Oak Brook, IL
390 Congress Parkway
Suite I
Crystal Lake, IL
2075 Foxfield Rd.
Suite 102
St. Charles, IL 60174